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Togouchi Whisky Highball!


Hello! This is Tenbusu Organic Market☆

Today, we introduce "Togouchi Whisky Highball"!

Nurtured by the nature of Hiroshima Prefecture, Togouchi Whisky Highball is an authentic highball that you can enjoy with ease. The manufacturer, Chugoku Jozo Co., Ltd., has a rich tradition of producing sake and shochu, and has applied its expertise to whisky making as well.

The base "Togouchi Whisky" is aged in the beautiful natural environment of Hiroshima, offering a delicate yet bold flavor. This highball can is crafted by mixing the whisky with sparkling water, bringing out its aroma and depth of flavor to the fullest. The strong carbonation enhances the rich whisky fragrance and crisp taste. Whether as a refreshing drink after work or for outdoor gatherings, this premium highball is perfect for any occasion.

Ingredients|Malt, Grain

Net Weight|350ml Can


Awase Main Store

Address: 2-2-8 Hiyagon, Okinawa City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan

TEL|098-880-6866 Parking|6 cars

MAP CODE: 33 534 492*47


Naha branch

Address|1F Takara Apt. 2-23-20 Makishi, Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan

TEL|098-955-3599 Parking|5 cars

MAP CODE: 33 157 805*47


Open|Mon-Sat 10:00-18:30 (Sun & Holidays 11:00-16:00)

Closed|Basically no holidays


◆Start time of boxed lunch sales (tentative)

▷Awase Main Store around 10:30

▷Naha Branch around 11:30

◆Sun & Holidays [Bento & Bakery] Closed.

◆URL Search by Organic Market Tembusu

◆Net Shop

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