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​​Organic Market Tenbusu Naha Store

Finally, Organic Market Tenbusu Naha store,We opened at 9:30 on November 6th!

“I want people to incorporate organic products in a natural way.”In order to convey this feeling to even more people,All the staff are working hard every day.

We look forward to seeing you there.

We will be posting the latest information on social media, so please follow us on Instagram.

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Organic wheat, Shimamugi Kanasan, homemade yeast, homemade butter

Etcetra related to bread uses organic wheat, island barley Kanasan, homemade yeast, and homemade butter, and uses safe and carefully selected ingredients with skilled techniques to make homemade bread, French bread, campagne, and baked goods. . I also make gluten-free bread. I'm planning to make a lot of other things besides bread and sweets, so please look forward to it.





Address|Kora Apartment 1F, 2-23-20 Makishi, Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture
Parking|5 units
Business hour|Monday-Saturday 9:30-18:30 (Sunday/Holiday 11:00-16:00)
Closed|No basic holidays



 ーOur thoughtsー




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